Activity Credit: Evidence for Professional Growth – Dewey Edition

Requires Abre

This Activity Credit Form allows educators to submit evidence of attending professional development outside of a school function.


This Activity Credit Form allows educators to submit evidence of attending professional development outside of a school function.

Abre’s Professional Learning Solution allows educators to track their growth through the awarding of points. Points are given a value by a school district. Best practice is that 1 point = 1 minute of learning. Thus 60 points equals 1 hour. States that require certain amount of time for license renewal can use points to determine if the license requirements were met.

Abre awards points through three methods:

  1. Completing a Learn Course (Points are automatically deposited)
  2. Redeeming a “redemption code”
  3. Submitting evidence of learning and receiving a “redemption code”.

This form supports the third method.

How it Works

  1. Abre installs the form on a school’s instance
  2. Schools modify the form and / or add folks involved in the workflow
  3. A shortcut is added for staff

Additional information


Administrators, LPDC, Staff




CC-BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)


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