Individual Professional Development Plan | The Dewey Addition

Requires Abre


The Dewey Edition Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) is a robust PD plan that can be used by educators and Local Professional Development Committees. It is both a plan and a workflow. Within in the plan you can track all professional growth (CEUs using Ohio terminology).


This IPDP template can be used as a base template and adapted to a school’s needs.

How it Works

  1. Educators click on the Plan App and attach the IPDP
  2. They complete the plan fields
  3. The submit the plan for the committee to approve
  4. Once approved, the plan is locked in for the duration of an educator’s license

Additional Features and Capabilities

If a school decides to use Abre’s professional development tracking and transcript features, a living record of all professional development aligned to the plan is available.

Additional information




CC-BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)




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