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The MTSS Playbook

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MTSS stands for “Multi-Tiered System of Supports.” It’s a framework used by schools to promote student success. It’s a robust framework, backed by social science, and used by many schools and districts to support struggling students

MTSS looks at addressing two core elements of struggling students:

  • Behavior and;
  • Academic performance.

MTSS isn’t a scripted framework. It doesn’t define a particular program, there is a range of popular programs under the MTSS umbrella. It does, however, have key components.

Key Components of MTSS

Schools that use the MTSS framework have six key components.

  1. Screening. Screening tools that assess students in the areas of behavior and academic performance.
  2. Student plans. A committed plan to address identified struggles.
  3. Strategies. The use of evidence-based instructional strategies to help students. No gut feelings, if you will.
  4. Monitoring. Monitor progress to know what is and isn’t working.
  5. Professional development for educators. Quality educator training is vital to MTSS implementation.
  6. Family involvement. Supportive family members are integral to the collaborative process.

Two of the most popular programs within MTSS are  Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI). PBIS is a program for encouraging productive and positive behaviors from students. RTI is a program that systematically helps students grow in their academics. I should note that RTI frequently contains components that address behavior as well. It’s probably no surprise that behavior affects academic performance.

Pulling all these components together into a coherent process takes effort. Done wrong, this can result in loads of extra work and confusion for teachers, students, and parents. Done well, students grow, teachers focus on teaching, and parents feel part of the learning process.

Caveats to this Playbook

This playbook is adaptable. We work with many customers. There are many commonalities between customers. But there are also customized components. You can customize the elements of this playbook to fit your need.

With that said, our playbooks are geared towards simplicity. Simplicity is a foundational value to us at Abre. 

Our playbooks are also geared to take into consideration all stakeholders. This helps reinforce simplicity.

Every Playbook Comes with a Project Plan

When you get an Abre Playbook, you also get a corresponding project plan. The project plan keeps track of who does what and what due dates exist. In help assure fidelity to the playbook.

What Abre Apps are Used?

Required Apps:

  • The Students App for viewing data.
  • The Plans App for both the framework and intervention plans.
  • The Forms App for gathering data (and creating plans).
  • The Insights App for Analytics and Screening

Recommended Apps:

  • The Behavior App for tracking behavior.
  • The Learn App for autonomous student learning and for staff professional development.
  • The Curriculum App for academic interventions.

What Abre Services are Used?

Because there is a fair amount of data customization for MTSS, we recommend customers have a Data-as-a-Service agreement with Abre. You could make some of the MTSS framework function without Data-as-a-Service, but that places considerably more work on a district’s resources.


Milestones are critical sections of our playbooks. Think of them as their own micro-project plan. 

(M1) Screening Students

How do you know if a student needs Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports? We help you define these qualifiers.

Step 1: Define the variables used to identify students

If you’re screening students for behavior, we frequently use variables like:

  • Office referrals
  • Attendance
  • Grades
  • SEL Data

If you’re screening for academic supports, we frequently use variables like:

  • Term grades
  • State Assessment Scores
  • 3rd Party Assessments like iReady, Acadience, MAP, STAR, etc.

You get to decide what variables you want to use for screening students into the MTSS framework.

Step 2: Integrate Data with Abre

Once the variables are defined, we need to verify we have access to the data. In most cases, we already have this data as it came over during our initial onboarding.

Step 3: Abre Builds Your Screening Dashboard

We create a data dashboard to your standard. By the end of the step, you can immediately know which students qualify for the MTSS framework.

Early Warning Graph
An early warning system using hours missed, office referrals, state assessments, MAP scores, and SEL results.

(M2) MTSS Decision-Making Group

There are two methods to refer a student to the MTSS process. The first is to simply use the screening methods defined above in Milestone 1. The second is creating an Abre Form (or a Google Form) that captures a teacher’s referral.

(Image and CTA)

At this point of the framework, schools generally like to bring a group together to formally make a decision to start the MTSS process. Frequently this is done through a building leadership team (BLT) or gradeband teams. Abre provides all the necessary data to make the decision via:

  • The Students App
  • Abre Insights (used in Milestone 1)

One way to capture the decision is to use Abre Notes. Why notes instead of a Google Doc? An Abre Note follows a student through their academic journey.

(M3) Create an Education Plan Template for the MTSS Process

Technically MTSS isn’t exactly an education plan. Rather, it’s a framework that uses a variety of education plans. You can create any number of education plans like RTI, BIP, PBIS, etc. to fit MTSS.

You can create any type of education plan for students in using Abre’s Forms App. Note this is different than the Plans App. The Forms App is a drag-and-drop builder that, once completed, can be “locked” as an education plan.

You can create an education plan from scratch. Or you can use one of many educations plans as a template to either use as is or to modify. We have many kinds of plans in our Marketplace, including:

  • RTI
  • PBIS
  • BIP (Behavior Intervention Plans)
  • Attendance/Truancy Plans
  • READ/RIMP/ReadingPlans
  • Graduation Plans
  • Gifted Plans
  • English Language Learner Plans
  • 504s
  • IEPs / IEPs at a Glance
RTI Plan Example Available for Download

Interested in Viewing Student Plans?

Check out our Student Plans catalog.

Note: If you intend to rollup plan data into an Abre Dashboard that combines other data points, you will need to have a Data-as-a-Service agreement and work with your Customer Service Manager.

(M4) Launch Education Plans to Relevant Students

A school will need to define WHO completes the plan. Sometimes it’s the LA teacher, the intervention specialist, or whomever. All this work is done via Abre’s Plans App. What follows is a simple 3 step process.

Step 1: Attach plan(s) to the Student

Search for the student, select the plan, and attach it.

Step 2: Complete the Plan

Fill out relevant fields.

Step 3: Mark Compete

To make the plan go live.

(M5) Define Strategies for Growth

This milestone is really up to the school. The critical point is that the strategy is DEFINED and teachers know what will be used.

We’re using Abre’s Partners App as a strategy for this playbook. Specifically, the strategy used here is time. Or at least time in the sense of measurement of doing the strategy with students. Not all our customers use the Partners App, but we’ve found it to be very helpful in creating MTSS Caseloads that measure time spent with students delivering Tier 2 and Tier 3 Supports.

Abre’s Partners App connects students with partners outside the school AND groups of staff members within the school. It allows case management of students. The hierarchy of Partners is:

  1. A Partner Organization (ie the YMCA, Hope Squad, School Sports, PTO, MTSS)
  2. Each partner organization consists of Programs.
  3. Programs consist of students and adult administrators and volunteers.

Each program contains a description of the program (what’s its purpose) and can be aligned to MTSS categories and Tiers for reporting purposes.

Step 1: Define the strategies for growth and organize your students accordingly

Are students going to be grouped by Math needs? ELA needs? Behavior needs? Who will be working with the students? How will students be organized is key here.

Step 2: Create a Partner Called “MTSS Supports”

Or give it a different name. We will be grouping all MTSS supports under this Partner Program.

Partners App Knowledge Base

Curious how to create partners and partner programs? Please visit our knowledge base.

Step 3: Create MTSS Programs

Create the necessary programs you need to group students. For example, you might have 3rd Graders at Bridgeport using RTI for Tier 3 interventions in ELA. You would create a program like:

  • Bridgeport Grade 3: Tier 3 Strategies for ELA

Be sure to include a brief explanation of the purpose of the program. Also critical, align the MTSS supports in the program.

Step 4: Create Program Rosters

This includes adding the appropriate staff and adding students.

Step 5: Take Attendance

Record attendance when staff works with students.

(M6) Monitoring Student Growth

Schools can technically access Abre Insights at any time to view how students are doing. That said, we recommend defining periods of “review” to give time for the tiered interventions to work. A common example is Building Leadership Teams discussing MTSS on a monthly basis.

Step 1: Define the when and who of monitoring

  • When will review happen?
  • Who will do the review? (e.g. BLT)

Step 2: Pull Data for Monitoring

This is a super simple task. Simply access Abre Insights, click on the MTSS category, and select the report you need.

MTSS dashboard (left) next to Abre Insights Categories (note the MTSS category).

Step 3: Adjust Student Placements

Based on the data, move students accordingly.

(M7) Professional Development

You can deliver all professional development through Abre’s Learn App. As a bonus: Abre’s Learn App tracks all PD training for teachers and can be used for license renewals.

Learn App Knowledge Base

To learn how to create PD courses, please visit our knowledge base.

Step 1: Create the MTSS Courses you Want Staff to Complete

Using Curriculum and the Learn App.

Step 2: Push Courses to Staff

And monitor completion.

Note: You Customer Service Manager Can Assist with Already Created Courses

Abre may have already created courses in the marketplace.

(M8) Family Engagement

This milestone is frequently completed before schools start the MTSS process with Abre. All customers receive family access at no cost from Abre. We have a separate playbook for Family Access, but they key milestones in that playbook are:

  1. Verifying Communication Channels are Live
  2. Create Family Token
  3. Send Family Letters home
  4. Publish “How to use Abre” Learn Course (already created by Abre)


A good playbook aims for a true goldilocks experience: Not too hard, not too easy, but just right. The nexus for learning.

We hope this MTSS Playbook provides a solid framework for using Abre in your MTSS processes. You really can break down siloes with Abre. 

Every school and district has their own unique differences. This playbook is intended to be adaptable. Make it fit your needs! 

And we’d love to hear how things are going in the comments section below.

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The MTSS Playbook

MTSS stands for “Multi-Tiered System of Supports.” It’s a framework used by schools to promote student success. This Playbook walks schools through the framework with Abre.